UX Writing Challenge #10

This article is my response to the following user experience writing challenge: Scenario: The user is trying to view a website to help them buy a car. But, the content can’t load without the user’s location. They need to enter their ZIP code and first name. …

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UX Writing Challenge #9

This article is my response to the following user experience writing challenge: Scenario: The user is trying to rent a car using an application but the credit card they have on file has expired.  Challenge: Write them an error message so that they can correct the problem, and …

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eText: Product Design Case Study

Text messaging(texting) is the possibly the simplest and most low-fidelity way to communicate.  Whether personal or professional, texting is replacing emails for concise communicating. KEY PAIN POINTS The Android built-in Messages application lacks a well-known email feature:  Blind Carbon Copy(Bcc). Currently, if a user wants …

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Why Adobe XD Will Eventually Replace Sketch

For years, Sketch has been the industry standard for UX/UI designers.  That will change in the years to come.  Software giant, Adobe continued its expansion by releasing Experience Design (XD) as a part of their Creativity & Design catalog. XD does not possess the robust …

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Ghosts MVP Mobile Prototype

  Adobe XD Functional Prototype The Ghosts mobile application records the user’s voice in a specific location, plus plays other user audio tracks within a radius.  The image gallery displays the Minimum Viable Product for the app.  ReactJS is the code of choice for the …

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