Words Episode 4 | Black-ish ‘God’ Episode Review & Religion

  ABC’s Black-ish covered the topic of atheism in the episode titled ‘God’.  Entertaining episode that glossed over the full depth of the subject matter.  President Barack Obama’s initial election and potential assassination was given a full monologue in a serious tone.  However, a crisis …

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Pulse Nightclub Massacre & Religion

  I discuss the tragic massacre at Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida and how religion and the religious are accountable.  This mass shooting has sparked debates on different fronts.  President Obama has used this incident to reiterate and potentially sign an executive order for more …

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#NetflixAndChill Reviews | Uncanny

Non-spoiler review and Netflix suggestion of the film Uncanny. Bookmark http://www.outermindmedia.com for more content PLEASE SUBMIT QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS BY EMAIL TO outermindmedia@gmail.com. FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/outermindmedia TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/outermindmedia PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/outermindmedia

Wise Stance for Distributors to Threaten Production Boycott If Georgia Anti-Gay Bill Signed

Disney, Viacom and AMC make a savvy PR announcement in threatening to end all filming in Atlanta, Georgia if the newly passed, yet unsigned Free Exercise Protection Act.  The movie business has been slammed with controversy for lack of diverse inclusion since 2015 with the …

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Reel To Real | Ex Machina

  A show where we see how realistic are the movies we watch that are slightly absurd. This episode is all about the A24 film Ex Machina and how close humanity is to seeing its first humanoid self-aware robotic organism. PLEASE SUBMIT QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS …

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The Witch Non-Spoilers Movie Review

  Non-spoilers review of the new film The Witch. PLEASE SUBMIT QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS BY EMAIL TO outermindmedia@gmail.com with the ‘MIC Pod’ in the subject line. Please like and follow Outermind Media on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Also, subscribe to the YouTube channel, Stitcher and iTunes for the Hero Headlines podcast.

Hero Headlines Ep3

First Deadpool clip from film, Lucifer debuts to strong ratings with controversy and a blessing from Christopher Nolan. Who should die in Captain America: Civil War. SuperHero Show Roundup and more… PLEASE SUBMIT QUESTIONS AND/OR COMMENTS BY EMAIL TO outermindmedia@gmail.com with the ‘Hero Headlines’ in …

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